Big Stone Area Growth

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Big Stone Area Growth

Big Stone Area Growth


Our Mission is to facilitate the development and retention of diverse and economically viable businesses and to encourage and assist communities to provide sustainable and supportive environments in which these businesses can prosper.

We can help you with—

  • Business Plans
  • Cash Flow Projections
  • Financials
  • Research Phase of Business
  • Identify Strengths
  • Business Management Plan
  • Marketing Concepts such as website creation, social media for business and other marketing opportunities.

We can direct you to the most appropriate agencies and resources to answer questions regarding:

  • Taxes
  • Laws
  • Grant Programs
  • Funding
  • Zoning
  • Permitting

BSAG has established a Loan Fund which was made possible through the USDA Rural Business Enterprise Grant Program.

The intent of the loan fund is to create or retain at least one new job for every $10,000 loaned out to area businesses.  The fund acts as a gap lender by filling in business funding needs that are not available from traditional sources such as banks and other business development loan funds.

Loan funds can be used for a variety of activities:

  • Land
  • Construction
  • Equipment
  • Operating capital

Contact Information

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