
MNbump Alumni

MNbump Alumni

The focus of the project that started the was to help small communities (Under 1,500 pop) across Minnesota discover opportunities to develop community assets for sustainable tourism. Through community input during this process, marketing our tourism opportunities via web was identified as a top 

40th Annual Arctic Open in Clinton this Weekend!

40th Annual Arctic Open in Clinton this Weekend!

By Dillon Dwyer, The Northern Star and Ortonville Independent There is an uniquely Minnesotan  tradition that takes place every winter in Big Stone County. The Clinton Community Service Club (CCSC) and other  local businesses host the Arctic Open, a six-hole charity golf tournament on the 

Big Stone Lake Area Chamber Hosts Annual Meeting at Sioux Historic

Big Stone Lake Area Chamber Hosts Annual Meeting at Sioux Historic

What a fun evening and fun people.  I had the pleasure of attending the Big Stone Lake Area Chamber of Commerce annual meeting tonight at Sioux Historic on Big Stone Lake. I’ve never attended this event in the past but I can tell you that I will be going again!  It was a great evening.

Upon arrival, I was greeted by Chamber Director Mary Hillman, with a big smile.  Mary and I have been acquainted for several years through family and friends and it’s always fun to see her.  I had the opportunity to register for door prizes and then made my way to the silent auction items to take a quick look.   There was also an opportunity to play plinko and bean bag toss to win other prizes.  The Chamber members were so generous in their donations to the event.  I bid on a few items that I thought might be fun and continued on my way to the bar for Happy Hour!

Sioux Historic is one of the gems of MNbump,  I remember as a young girl spending many Friday and Sunday nights there roller skating.  The big ballroom was filled with tables for the chamber members.  We took our seats and Mary introduced new Chamber President Ryan Kehnle.  Ryan handled the business part of the meeting well, and we were soon on our way to a fabulous buffet of pasta and pizza.  To top it off, we were able to have cupcakes and ice cream!

During the meal, drawings were made for door prizes and the lucky winners were able to pick out one of the prizes that were donated by Chamber members.   Bidding on the silent auction items continued until 8:00 pm.   It was a great fund raiser for the Chamber in addition to a great opportunity to enjoy each other’s company.

I saw some people that I hadn’t seen in awhile as well as many friends and even met a few new friends.  Thanks Big Stone Area Growth and MNbump for letting me represent you tonight.  What an enjoyable evening in the MNbump!!

Ice Bowling in the #MNbump

Ice Bowling in the #MNbump

When it’s cold in Minnesota, you don’t let the weather stop you from having a fun time!  You take advantage of the weather and make accommodations to enjoy what you can.  The Beardsley Fire Department did just that last weekend with an Ice Bowling Tournament 

Big Stone National Wildlife refuge – Who, What and Why?

Big Stone National Wildlife refuge – Who, What and Why?

An event at the Ortonville Community Center Hosted by Kelsie Thomas and Scott Simmons Wednesday, August 23, 2018 Ortonville’s Park Board member (and newly appointed President of the Board), Kelsie Thomas takes her part in the review and use of the parks very seriously – and wants to 

Our Communities:  Beardsley Fire & First Responder’s Pork Supper

Our Communities: Beardsley Fire & First Responder’s Pork Supper

This is always a fun summer event in Beardsley!  Kids playing in the Park, delicious pork supper, great conversation and… this year’s safety demonstration was provided by the Traverse Electric Co-op, Inc. out of Wheaton.  I’ve embedded the demonstration from the Facebook Live post below – and I would highly recommend watching it – very useful information!  I could write about the warm greetings you receive when you enter the park and the awesome feel you get from this community picnic – but I think the pictures tell the story best!


Facebook Live Video – video quality a little off in the very beginning but it gets better as the video progresses.

You can check out last year’s safety demonstration & dinner post at this link:
2017 Beardsley Fire & First Responders’ Pork Supper

Traveling to Ortonville for Cornfest

Traveling to Ortonville for Cornfest

As Mary Hillman, the Big Stone Lake Area Chamber Director, spends late nights at the office and her days running around coordinating Ortonville’s largest annual event — with the City Crew busy “dusting up” the town — and countless volunteers have organized groups to assist 

Clinton’s 135th Celebration

Clinton’s 135th Celebration

The 135th Celebration in Clinton has begun!  Event Flyer Link There was an “Over 80’s Gathering at 10:00 this morning at the Trinity Lutheran Church.  Check out the photos by Janine on the ClintonMN Facebook Page A very fun parade! The Opening Flag Ceremony has 

Corina Kells’ Conceptual Photography Show

Corina Kells’ Conceptual Photography Show

The Smallest Art Gallery in Ortonville held an Artist Reception for Corina Kells on Thursday, July 5th from 5:00 to 6:30.   Corina Kells specializes in expressive conceptual photography to capture complex emotions such as fear, sadness, confusion, and isolation.  Her goal is to bring awareness to mental health issues and cultivate conversation.

Due to another event in Ortonville, I did not make it to this reception until a few minutes after 6 and missed Corina’s presentation (I was very disappointed!)  — not that I would have had much room to stand since the gallery was packed when I arrived.  I did, however, get a chance to talk one on one with the artist about her work and the life experiences that are detailed within her photography (she was kind enough to visit with me until 7:00!)  Her insights  into the opioid and mental health epidemic and the way she is reaching out through art is amazing.  It is not only a personal therapy for her it is also an impactful way to reach out to bring awareness, understanding, and help to others who are experiencing similar walks; while also helping those who are desperately looking to reach out to someone they know with an addiction.  She stresses the importance of going deeper into the mental health issues that are at the core of the addictions – to increase the odds of avoiding a relapse.  I would encourage everyone to stop down and take in Corina Kells photography – and if you are fortunate enough to stop when the artist is there, please introduce yourself and talk with her… you will find that her work is not only interesting, you’ll leave with an insight and a knowledge that could very well help someone you know with an addiction.  Check out this link to an article from the Ortonville Independent on Corina Kells’ work.

On another note – but definitely connected…

After talking with Corina last night, I received a notification that The Center for Rural Policy and Development had posted on their Facebook Page – which tied in perfectly with the importance and need for the type of awareness that Corina’s art provides.  

RuralMN Radio:  The drug crisis is more than opioids, Part 1

RuralMN Radio:  The drug crisis is more than opiods, Part 2

As noted in the above audio links (both only about 3 minutes long):  The topic of drugs and addiction “It’s an addiction crisis”.  Drug and alcohol addiction is completely intertwined with mental health (which also includes shopping addiction, gambling…)  The full article will be released next week.

The battle is real.  An epidemic.  Corina Kells’ photography is her therapy that can also bring real help.  Check it out – and talk with her if you get the chance!

Peace Run in Ortonville at Lakeside Park

Peace Run in Ortonville at Lakeside Park

Ortonville enjoyed a stop by a few participating in the 2018 route of the SRI CHINMOY ONENESS-HOME PEACE RUN last night.  (welcomed by Mary Hillman and Kevin Benson of the Big Stone Lake Area Chamber of Commerce)  The Peace Run is a global torch relay