Our Communities: Beardsley Fire & First Responder’s Pork Supper
This is always a fun summer event in Beardsley! Kids playing in the Park, delicious pork supper, great conversation and… this year’s safety demonstration was provided by the Traverse Electric Co-op, Inc. out of Wheaton. I’ve embedded the demonstration from the Facebook Live post below – and I would highly recommend watching it – very useful information! I could write about the warm greetings you receive when you enter the park and the awesome feel you get from this community picnic – but I think the pictures tell the story best!
Facebook Live Video – video quality a little off in the very beginning but it gets better as the video progresses.
You can check out last year’s safety demonstration & dinner post at this link:
2017 Beardsley Fire & First Responders’ Pork Supper
Just wanted to say that your coverage of this event- article AND photos was wonderful.
Thank you.
Thank you!