Author: Janine Teske

Clinton Minnesota Celebrates Memorial Day 2020 Virtually

The City of Clinton, Minnesota has a long tradition of celebrating and honoring our military veterans who have passed away, not only those making the ultimate sacrifice dying for our county, but all of those who have served our country and have died. Because of 

Shopping Local Series – Christmas Shopping at Home in the #MNbump

Shopping Local Series – Christmas Shopping at Home in the #MNbump

Shopping the MNbump this Christmas Season (and all year round)… Please shop local first & when you can. As you scroll below, you’ll first see this post’s business partners and then you’ll find a link to every business (and organization, church, etc.) in Big Stone 

Meander Art Crawl Features Several #MNbump Artists – Oct. 4-6

Meander Art Crawl Features Several #MNbump Artists – Oct. 4-6


The 16th annual Upper Minnesota River Meander Arts Crawl will be held on October 4, 5 & 6, 2019. The Meander is a free self-guided tour featuring 42 artists from 5 counties in western Minnesota. The annual event offers a chance for the public to meet with the region’s top artists in their home studios nestled among the small towns and family farms found in the Upper Minnesota River Valley.

We are happy to be able to highlight the #MNbump artists who will be participating in this years Crawl.   Click on the photos below to check out their locations for the Meander and also the links below the photos to follow their pages.  For full details on the 2019 Meander – the Upper Minnesota River Art Crawl click here for the link to their page.

The full brochure of all the events can be found on this link.





Brent Olson’s Independently Speaking Column Enlightens Those Around the #MNbump and Beyond

Brent Olson’s Independently Speaking Column Enlightens Those Around the #MNbump and Beyond

Brent Olson leads a complicated life. His home is in Big Stone County, a small place hanging off the western edge of Minnesota. Brent made a living as a farmer for 30 years. In 1977 he was asked to fill out a term on the 

The Creative Bite – a Blog by Danielle Green

The Creative Bite – a Blog by Danielle Green

Danielle Green, grew up in the small community of Graceville, Minnesota and now lives on the farm she grew up in outside of Graceville with her husband Matt and their twins Madelyn and Cooper.  Her parents are Chuck and Deb Walters of Graceville. Here is 

A View From Here: Resettling Big Stone County  – a blog by Kathy Draeger

A View From Here: Resettling Big Stone County – a blog by Kathy Draeger

We know that there are many talented people in living in the MNbump and we are starting a series to highlight them!

Kathy Draeger, an Adjunct Assistant Professor; Statewide Director, Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships with the University of Minnesota and a resident of the #MNbump is one of our local area bloggers that moved to Big Stone County after living in the Twin Cities area for several years.

Kathy started her blog post in 2007 and it has been fun to follow as she describes life and living rural and loving it.    Kathy and her husband Mike Jorgenson farm east of Clinton.  They have three children Alma, Jens and Lake.   Thanks for allowing us to share your blog page Kathy.  It’s been fun following your posts over the years and we are glad you are back!


Here is the link to her blog site:

The MNbump will be sharing information on some of our local people that have blog posts and like to write and share their information.  Please note that the views and opinions expressed in these articles are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of anyone associated with the MNbump or Big Stone Area Growth.







Arens Family Named Big Stone County Farm Family of the Year

Arens Family Named Big Stone County Farm Family of the Year

Story and photo courtesy of The Northern Star Newspaper THE TOM AND MARY ARENS FAMILY OF GRACEVILLE  was named the Big Stone County 2019 Farm Family of the Year. They will be among the Minnesota Farm Families of the Year to be recognized at FarmFest 

Did You Know – #5 of a Series –                  The Odessa Jail

Did You Know – #5 of a Series – The Odessa Jail

an #MNbump Series – #5 The Odessa Jail This is the fifth in a series about things in the #MNbump that we are calling #MNbumpExplore. You may or may not know about these places but we encourage you to go check them out, take a 

Main Street Industries New Garden Brings Attention to Clinton’s Main Street

Main Street Industries New Garden Brings Attention to Clinton’s Main Street

Story and photo courtesy of The Northern Star Newspaper

MAIN STREET INDUSTRIES GARDEN is a new attraction on Clinton’s Main Street this year. The location was an empty lot, owned by Wally Sayles, who gave them permission for this great addition. Lisa Sayles, MSI Direct Support Professional, is pictured with some of the MSI consumers who have been involved in the project. The signage was provided by SHIP, a state program through the Minnesota Department of Health.


MainStreet Industries in Clinton is a very busy place year-round. This summer they increased one project to include a vegetable garden on an empty lot on Clinton’s Main Street.

In partnership with SHIP?(Statewide Health Improvement Partnership), which is under the Minnesota Department of Health, they were able to use SHIP’s $3,000 grant along with MSI’s funding to construct a patio in the front of their building. They also constructed – in-house, raised garden beds for their use.  Unfortunately, the MSI?Greenhouse that had been constructed at the rear of their building was totally damaged from the past winter’s heavy snow.

Lisa Sayles, a Direct Support Professional at MSI, wished they could have a garden spot to plant a  garden. Her father-in-law, Wally Sayles, owns an empty lot on?Main Street, and gave the OK for a garden there. Brent Olson began the tilling project. Wally talked to Bob Rinke, who came in with his tractor and donated his tilling services to the project. They also have a rain barrel and Lisa’s husband Dave provided them with another one.

SHIP encourages increasing access to fresh, local fruits and vegetables, so this project fit the qualifications to a tee. There are many statewide projects receiving assistance through this program – all in the interest of the improvement of its citizens health.

The program encourages increasing access to physical activity opportunities at schools and child care facilities, and works with state towns and cities, as well as employers and health-care sites.

SHIP representatives hold quarterly meetings, which Lisa attends, and they are encouraged to use healthy foods and wellness programs for their consumers.

MSI’s recent auction and supper is one of the ways they raise funds, as well as their work projects and services.  This year they are raising beets, potatoes, onions, lettuce, peppers and radishes in their raised beds, which were built in 2018.  While the late spring caused a delay in the garden project, as you can see by the photo things really grew well in their Main Street Garden. Here they have planted zucchini, squash, watermelon, pumpkins, red onions, snap beans, broccoli and cauliflower. They have been the recipient of donated seeds and also purchased seeds and plants.

They have signage designating their project, with some being produced to donate to the Big Stone County Food Shelf.  As a side-note, make sure to check out the “Can You Recall” feature on page three of this week’s Northern Star – gives some history of the empty lot.

The garden is getting a lot of attention as folks travel along Clinton’s Main Street – and now the MSI consumers, staff and others are just getting anxious for harvest!





Did You Know – #4 of a Series                   The Clinton Prairie

Did You Know – #4 of a Series The Clinton Prairie

an #MNbump Series – #4 Clinton Prairie This is a fourth in a series about things in the #MNbump that we are calling #MNbumpExplore. You may or may not know about these places but we encourage you to go check them out, take a selfie