Did You Know – #4 of a Series The Clinton Prairie

an #MNbump Series – #4 Clinton Prairie
This is a fourth in a series about things in the #MNbump that we are calling #MNbumpExplore. You may or may not know about these places but we encourage you to go check them out, take a selfie or group photo with them and share the photos on your page, tagging MNbump.com or #MNbump on Facebook!
The Clinton Prairie is located at the intersection of County Road 6 and County Road 7 West of Clinton. This area of land is known as virgin prairie as it has been said that the land has never been plowed, only bailed for the grass. From our information the land was donated to the Natural Conservatory from the Connelly family quite a few years ago and was more recently transferred to the Department of Natural Resources. The Clinton Prairie Natural and Scenic area is a beautiful grassland that has wildflowers and birds and natural habitat.  If you have information about this prairie land or know more of it’s hsitory, please feel free to share your comments.