The Creative Bite – a Blog by Danielle Green

The Creative Bite – a Blog by Danielle Green

Danielle Green, grew up in the small community of Graceville, Minnesota and now lives on the farm she grew up in outside of Graceville with her husband Matt and their twins Madelyn and Cooper.  Her parents are Chuck and Deb Walters of Graceville.

Here is the link to her blog –

Danielle’s blog highlights her love of cooking as and highlights her ideas of Eating Well, Being Creative and to Live Good

If you have any questions or feedback please contact her at [email protected]!

The MNbump will be sharing information on some of our local people that have blog posts and like to write and share their information.  Please note that the views and opinions expressed in these articles are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of anyone associated with the MNbump or Big Stone Area Growth.



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