Author: Janine Teske

Did You Know? – #3 of Series

Did You Know? – #3 of Series

an #MNbump Series – #3 Graceville – Historic Landmark This is a Third in a series about things in the #MNbump that we are calling #MNbumpExplore. You may or may not know about these places but we encourage you to go check them out, take 

Did You Know? – #2 of Series

Did You Know? – #2 of Series

an #MNbump Series – #2 – Glacial Rocks in Big Stone County DID YOU KNOW? This is a Second in a series about things in the #MNbump that we are calling #MNbumpExplore. You may or may not know about these places but we encourage you 

Did You Know? #1 of Series

Did You Know? #1 of Series

an #MNbump Series – #1-Paul Bunyon’s Anchor

This is a first of a series about things in the #MNbump that we are calling #MNbumpExplore. You may or may not know about these places but we encourage you to go check them out, take a selfie or group photo with them and share the photos on your page, tagging or #MNbump on Facebook!

Paul Bunyan’s Anchor – Up on the hill overlooking Big Stone Lake is the home of Paul Bunyan’s Anchor. This large chunk of granite was cut from the granite quarries in the area. Thousands of years ago Ortonville and the land north all the way to Hudson Bay was covered by a gigantic glacier lake named Lake Agassiz. The legends is that while Paul was out fishing one day, he threw his anchor up on the hill, and voila! The part about the lake is true, however you can believe what you want about the anchor. Anyone traveling through the area should check it out, the view is spectacular along with some great history and information posted near the anchor along with the awesome Big Stone County Museum. #MNbumpExplore #MNbumpOrtonville

Meet the MNbump Connectors!

Meet the MNbump Connectors!

They say it takes a village to raise a child.   In this case our “child” is the Facebook page and Website and the Village, obviously is you, the people from our area that are always here to support the Community of Big Stone County 

Big Stone County Cancer Support Group Makes Large Donation to NDSU for Cancer Research

Big Stone County Cancer Support Group Makes Large Donation to NDSU for Cancer Research

The Big Stone County Cancer Support Group does it again!   For 2019, the Big Stone County group donated $14,365 to the research efforts at the NDSU Center for Diagnostic and Therapeutic Strategies for Pancreatic Cancer. The picture attached shows Dr. Sanku Mallik, director of the 

Final Mass at Saint Mary’s in Beardsley on Saturday, June 15th

Final Mass at Saint Mary’s in Beardsley on Saturday, June 15th

Saint Mary’s Catholic Parish in Beardsley will have its’ final mass on Saturday, June 15, beginning at 5:00 pm.  This mass will conclude over 135 years of ministry and sacraments.

The church building will be sold to the city of Beardsley, and will be used as a community center and city hall.  The public is invited to use the building for wedding receptions, graduation, birthday, and anniversary parties.  The kitchen will stay fully stocked with dishes, and cooking utensils.  The building will be sold as is, with all the current supplies and furnishes.  To reserve the building for an event, please contact the city council.

The stain glass windows will stay in the church.  At a later date, if the church is ever torn down, the windows will be removed, sold, and the profit from the windows will be given to Saint Mary’s cemetery Perpetual Care Fund account, for the upkeep of the cemetery.

The church bell will be removed and will be set in a steeple like structure in the cemetery later this summer.  The bell tower will be sealed to prevent damage from moisture and animals.

The community is invited to “A Celebration of Faith, celebrating 135 years of faith and sacraments” on June 15th, beginning with mass at 5:00 pm.  Following mass, the Beardsley Fire Department will be grilling hamburgers and hotdogs.  A festive meal with salads, desserts, and beverages will be served in the church basement until 7:00 pm.

Prairie Five Meals Hosting Upcoming Spring Lunch and Learn Events

Prairie Five Meals Hosting Upcoming Spring Lunch and Learn Events

Prairie Five Meals on the Go hosts a “Spring Lunch and Learn” at Lakeside Apartments on Tuesday, June 11th at 11:45am. Justin Peters, Kayla Findlay, Mel Martig, and Amy Hodenfield of Big Stone Therapies, will share exercises to help build bones and tips to stay 

Memorial Day in the #MNbump

Memorial Day in the #MNbump

Our local communities will be honoring the sacrifice and service of our local veterans on Monday, May 27, 2019.   The communities in the #MNbump have had a long history of programs and parades on Memorial Day each year.   Programs that we are aware of are 

The Work of Mercy Center Opens in Graceville

The Work of Mercy Center Opens in Graceville

Story courtesy of The Northern Star Newspaper, Clinton, MN

Work of Graceville Mercy Center  To Help Those in Need of Basics

The Work of Mercy Center has been established by a group of local volunteers to help individuals and families in need of basic household items. The Mercy Center is a ministry to serve Big Stone, Traverse, Lac qui Parle and Stevens counties, as well as the surrounding area. Father Brian Oestreich, Pastor of the local Catholic churches and church members developed the idea of The Work of Mercy Center. “Our mission is to have basic items available to individuals and families in need at no cost. Some of the items we try to have available include clothing, hygiene items, shoes, dishes, pots, pans, diapers, bedding and many others,” said Katie Jensen, church member. “Everyone is welcome at The Mercy Center”, Oestreich stated. “We offer special hospitality to our guests, to care for their basic human needs and to treat them as respected people of God”.

The Work of Mercy Center is located in the old school building of Holy Rosary Parish, 711 Studdart Ave, in Graceville.  Weekly hours are Tuesday nights from 6-8 p.m. and Thursday afternoons 1-3 p.m., or by private appointment. Please call Katie at 320-748-7259 to make an appointment. The location was chosen due to the availability of space needed to display all of the items donated by generous individuals.  This room and articles have no affiliation with any church or social service agencies and is open to anyone regardless of race or creed. It is a Christian based outlet serving anyone in need from the surrounding communities.

Information cards have been given and are displayed in area hospitals, clinics, law enforcement offices, businesses, and schools. When visiting The Mercy Center, you will find gently used and new clothing from infants to adults, dishes, pots and pans, bedding, bath towels, dish cloths, etc.  These items are all free for the taking (no hoops or hurdles.)  There is a simple registration to fill out but nothing else. If a larger piece of furniture is needed, the volunteers and Board of Directors will do their best to find the needed items. Donations of clean, usable, appropriate clothing and house hold items are always needed. Please call or deliver your donations during regular weekly hours. There is a need for personal hygiene items at this time.For more information about The Work of Mercy Center, please call Katie Jensen at 320-748-7259.

Clinton Native Captain Royce Williams Recognized at California USS?Midway Museum

Clinton Native Captain Royce Williams Recognized at California USS?Midway Museum

Clinton native Royce Williams is pictured here with David Torgerson in May of 2017 at Clinton’s Memorial Day program where he spoke.