Final Mass at Saint Mary’s in Beardsley on Saturday, June 15th

Saint Mary’s Catholic Parish in Beardsley will have its’ final mass on Saturday, June 15, beginning at 5:00 pm. This mass will conclude over 135 years of ministry and sacraments.
The church building will be sold to the city of Beardsley, and will be used as a community center and city hall. The public is invited to use the building for wedding receptions, graduation, birthday, and anniversary parties. The kitchen will stay fully stocked with dishes, and cooking utensils. The building will be sold as is, with all the current supplies and furnishes. To reserve the building for an event, please contact the city council.
The stain glass windows will stay in the church. At a later date, if the church is ever torn down, the windows will be removed, sold, and the profit from the windows will be given to Saint Mary’s cemetery Perpetual Care Fund account, for the upkeep of the cemetery.
The church bell will be removed and will be set in a steeple like structure in the cemetery later this summer. The bell tower will be sealed to prevent damage from moisture and animals.
The community is invited to “A Celebration of Faith, celebrating 135 years of faith and sacraments” on June 15th, beginning with mass at 5:00 pm. Following mass, the Beardsley Fire Department will be grilling hamburgers and hotdogs. A festive meal with salads, desserts, and beverages will be served in the church basement until 7:00 pm.
The church has been given to the City as well as money for renovation.