Capital Investments in Ortonville over the Last 10 years
A great article from the website!
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2020 Listing the Ortonville Investments
Looking at the past 10 years… listing the businesses that have made major capital investments (investing in the permanent structures & securing our brick and motor tax base in the City of Ortonville for years yet to come). Investing in our town. I personally have found this list to be impressive! Let’s take a few minutes to reflect and celebrate these awesome investments in our community! – and if you see that I missed someone, give me a shout by using the contact form on this website. (you’ll see a photo and then a very brief description – click on each of their links to see more about each business)
Bluestem Dental photo taken during construction. Parking lot is now paved & building complete.
Bluestem Dental – or newest business and building in town which just recently opened. The lots were cleared and construction began… what a conversation piece as we anxiously awaited the completion! Located on First Street and houses 10 jobs.
Lingonberry Lodge on Main Street (2nd Street)
Lingonberry’s Pastry & Coffee Shop
Lingonberry Lodge a beautiful lodging option overlooking Main Street and right next door to Lingonberry’s Pastry and Coffee Shop which opened earlier but within this current 2020 10-year capital improvement review. Khadija (pictured above right) is a “Clinton” girl that has come home to Big Stone County – how’s that for a possessive attachment on my part to the owner of these two businesses? ?
Ortonville Mercantile & Gallery
Ortonville Mystery Games (escape room fun – always changing!)
Then there is Greg & Sue Lockwood that made three investments seemingly one right after the other! They invested in a home, restored it and now is one of our short-term rental options – then they restored the “old bank building” – and I mean restored!! — to house the Ortonville Mercantile & Gallery. This is a great stop even if you’re not shopping & just want to walk through and see the details of their amazing restoration… original doors from other historic buildings, the bricks, and beams which are all truly fascinating to stop in and see. Of course, I’ve yet to stop in this business without finding something to purchase before I leave! (maybe I need to learn a little self-control?!)
Northridge Apartments are located just north of the ball fields and south of the new building lots – and close to the golf course, senior housing, and municipal swimming pool.
Northridge Apartment Complex
It is pretty exciting to have this facility get a complete makeover into market-rate apartments! The City of Ortonville/Ortonville EDA Housing Committee worked with the Minnesota Housing Partnership (MHP) (Housing Institute Program) for an 18-month course looking at Ortonville housing needs. MHP also assisted with our housing study. The first request to review our housing study is now the current owners of this building and major remodeling is underway. We are very excited to see this project completed!
This has been a total – down to the studs – remodel project which has now been completed. Amazing owner – and rooms! Make sure to check them out when you are staying in the area!
Jerold & Mindy built a brand new building along Highway 75 and have been busy with installations since they opened (I think our house was even the first project – great workmanship!)
A wonderful store for men’s & women’s clothing, shoes, and accessories! The building was totally remodeled for a retail store – located along Highway 75.
This building was originally completely (and beautifully!) updated by Julie Anderson & Dale Anderson and is now with new owners (Brenda and Sarah Keller, mother/daughter). An excellent stop – check out the link to their Facebook page and scroll through the delicious dishes they serve!
Jacob Bollman, OD and Todd Trudel, OD purchased this building and with major investment converted this space to a beautiful eye clinic and also made it possible for Woodland Centers to come to Ortonville also!
Wow. You do not need to be in the market to buy a bike in order to enjoy (really enjoy!) stopping at the Old American Bike Barn when you’re in town! There is always something new (old…) – the inventory is always changing. I remember when I stopped in shortly after they opened and Kevin told me they had to take the website down until they could figure out how to handle the inquiries! Tough problems to have when you open! ha Stop in and talk with Tina or Kevin!
One of Ortonville’s historic buildings – saved! What an amazing restoration while keeping retaining so much of the history. Not sure I’m comfortable talking history about a building that spent many a night roller skating on these beautiful floors! Roller skating is still drawing our youth to gather and enjoy – and the facility continues to provide wonderful accommodations for weddings and other large venues. Only now with a much-updated facility/amenities. Thank you, Mark & Sheila Thompson!
The Ortonville Shop
Arachne Yarns
Kandi Hamann has an amazing flower shop – and then she also purchased the building next door, opened up/connected the buildings and has provided additional space for the flower shop and also space brought two new businesses into town – Arachne Yarns and Richard Krogstad’s studio! For special occasions (especially during the holiday seasons, there are additional vendors that “pop-up” for an extended weekend shopping event also. What an addition to downtown!
The Smallest Art Gallery – connecting two buildings. Both restorations/investments made in the last few years.
Kathy Marihardt. Where do I begin!? We have a community of amazing artists in Big Stone County and the surrounding area, with Kathy being one. So many art activities utilizing various spaces in the school and buildings throughout Ortonville… then Kathy quietly purchases a building displaying her art along with hosting artists from the area and quite some distances away to show their art – with a “meet the artist” evening for each. What an experience! When the building next door became available, she purchased it and went to work rehabilitating that building to expanded her space. There is always something new!
Completed a substantial remodel to include the kitchen/restaurant! They have awesome food – and a hearty breakfast menu in the mornings too!
Photo credit: Big Stone Fitness
This building has been completely updated and retrofitted into one of the finest fitness centers that you’ll find anywhere! This has been an investment in the building – and community health!!
GoFasters Powersports & Marine, Owner Dustin Roggenbuck
GoFasters Powersports & Marine
With a major rehab to convert this very large industrial space to house retail and office space, along with showroom and storage – Dustin created an amazing space along Highway 75 by utilizing a building that had sat empty for some time and was in need of the upgrades. The perfect space and location for this business!
Helping Hands Therapeutic Massage & Body Work
This building was originally built by Brad Snortum for his landscaping business. He later built (another capital investment in Ortonville!) on First Street. Amy and Darren Lang purchased this building and converted the building to house Helping Hands Therapeutic Massage & Body Works which is their daughter, Kelly. They also provided space for KDIO 1350 AM Radio – which thankfully the timing was perfect since a storm had totaled the building that they had been located in for many years – and we were now fortunate to keep them in Ortonville with the use of this space! (The Lang’s would make a very good “blog story” someday… they’ve moved to the area, transformed this building & opened Kelly’s business, their son Troy has an excavating service and although Darren has full-time business that he works out of town – he also has started a quality duck guide service for Big Stone County hunting along with trips for duck hunting in Maine. They also have a short-term rental lodge and RV spaces to accommodate their hunters. And don’t let that leave you wondering what Amy does… she helps it all run smoothly!
Conroy Eye Care, PA
Conroy’s updated this building which had been a clinic building years ago, housed the City Office for a short period of time and then was empty. Thankfully, Chris and Traci found potential in this building and invested to update and convert this space to meet their needs.
Larry’s Refrigeration & Heating Inc.
Larry’s Refrigeration & Heating Inc.
In the past 10 years, Larry’s has remodeled the front inside and out and then converted the back to useable office space. Tuckpointing, new roof and new interior walls & floor and new HVAC!
Heritage Printing
It takes some investment to tuckpoint an older building of this size! The Swihart’s also restored the upper floor to living space – what a view of Main Street (and the Lake) they must have from up there!
Investors Advisory Management Group – Ortonville Office
Investors Advisory Management Group – Ortonville Office
This building was in need of renovations and tuckpointing when Becky Parker purchased the property – and the inside is as marvelous (if not more so!) as the outside!
Big Stone Chiropractic Health Center is pictured on the right.
Big Stone Chiropractic Health Center – Ortonville
Chance Haugen (owner) with the help of his father, Gary – worked to convert this building into a beautiful Chiropractic Health Center facility!
As with older brick buildings, there were storefronts with shared walls. Dawn & Mark Hughes purchased the empty building next door and opened up the space to expand the business!
Big Stone Therapies
What an area success story! They were established in 1990 by two physical therapists – Paul Treinen and Wade VanDover – in the basement of the Ortonville Hospital. They now consist of over 30 clinics in several states! (Link to the location map) The old Ortonville Hospital had set empty for a number of years before Big Stone Therapies purchased and started the renovations which were no small undertaking. We are fortunate to still have this building still standing strong in Ortonville — and to have Big Stone Therapies continue headquartering out of this area.
This building was constructed along Highway 75 providing much-needed space for their expanding equipment needs. Quite an investment in our community!
Dan & Brenda Kafka made a move to Main Street in Blair Johnson’s building for a major expansion – and then purchased the building next door to combine the two building into yet another expansion! This Main Street business has quite a reach bringing in customers from all over the state and beyond.
And… who kicked off the amazing updates to downtown Ortonville? Blair Johnson! We lost the original structure on this lot to a fire and we were fortunate that Blair decided to expand his business and build a brand new building in its place to keep his expansion on Main Street. They say this type of investment can have a domino effect – and in this case that appears to have happened!
It is great to see two new structures built at one of our main entrances into Ortonville – Dollar General on the Southeast corner and Casey’s General Store (below) on the Northwestern Corner. With the Museum & Chamber located on the Southwestern corner and the Municipal Airport located on the Northeastern corner – all provide a very nice entrance to our community!
Ortonville Area Health Services: Hospital, Clinic & Senior Housing
Of course, we have also had some major leadership and investment from the Ortonville City Council with the expansion of Fairway View Senior Communities and the all-new Ortonville Area Health Services clinic & hospital – which provides award-winning health care for miles around.
And, speaking of Ortonville Area Health Services and community investment… we need to give a shout out to an amazing Doctor who has been a pillar for both – our Dr. Bob Ross!
Dr. Bob was the recipient of the 2019 Rural Health Lifetime Achievement Award. Dr. Bob joined the Ortonville medical staff in 1977 and hasn’t sat still since. In 1989, Dr. Bob and his partners formed the Big Stone Health Care Foundation. The Foundation, along with Dr. Bob and the entire Board’s vision, has provided health care opportunities to our community that otherwise would not have been possible. We thank Dr. Bob, his wife Mary, and their entire family for the sacrifices that have been made in order for him to be one of the leaders for his partners, the staff, and most importantly his patients. Congratulations, Dr. Bob!