VOTE! Connecting Big Stone County – Projects

VOTE!  Connecting Big Stone County – Projects


Thank you to all that took part in the Big Stone County Blandin Broadband Community visioning process by taking the registration survey, attending the Vision Meeting, and/or attending the Project Brainstorm Meeting. The community’s collective input will be helpful as the Steering Team begins the work of convening project teams to determine the feasibility of projects to implement over the next 18 months.

For meeting recordings, notes, and links to voting visit the Big Stone County BBC webpage:

The time has now come for community members to vote on the projects you would like to see implemented, and more importantly – the projects you would like to help implement!

When you click the link for the voting form, you will see the 35 final project ideas listed in both questions 2 and 3.

  • In question 2, you have 100 points to allocate to projects you would most like to see implemented. You may allocate points to as many projects as you like, but your points must add up to 100.
  • Question 3 is of greater importance. Here you can check which projects you are willing to help implement. You don’t necessarily need to have the technical expertise to contribute; you just need to be willing to participate in the project team, which could include promoting the project, lining up (hiring) technical expertise, etc.

The Big Stone County BBC Steering Team will consider points per project when making final funding allocations, however, projects with passionate volunteers are more likely to move forward than projects with many points and fewer volunteers.

Thirty-five is a lot of projects for a survey form, which is why I created the printable project list – even if you can’t print it, it might be easier to read on a computer screen. The project list is in the same order on voting form questions 2 & 3, and the printable list.

The voting will close on Thursday, December 16. Please feel free to share with other Big Stone County people you think would be interested.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or Lisa Graphenteen, Director of Housing and Economic Development, Development Services Inc. and consultant to Big Stone Area Growth, [email protected], (507) 227-5402.

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