Trojan Take Out (Ortonville School District)

Welcome to Trojan Take Out! 

a Collaborative effort to provide food to local children in need.

Trojan Take Out Facebook Page LINK

In the Ortonville School alone, 216 of the 509 students enrolled qualified for the Free & Reduced Lunch program in 2016-17.  These numbers do not include students whose family income missed the Free & Reduced Lunch income guidelines by only a few dollars.

What is it?  Bags of nutritious and easy to prepare meals and snacks for children to take home over the weekends and extended breaks – free of charge!  (Sample Menu)

This program does not have income requirements – all are welcome to opt in!
Note:  Volunteers organizing and packaging the food will not have the names of anyone opting in (or opting out!) of this program.  They will be told the number of meals needed; the food will be packaged and delivered in numbers needed per room; and two school employees will put the food into the backpack of the students who have opted in – in privacy.  This is a very discreet process so that everyone who would like to be part of this program can feel comfortable to opt in!

There will be an opt in/out form for all parents to sign at the beginning of the school year.  There will also be an information booth on August 28th for  the school picture day & introductory program day.  So stop and talk with the program volunteers and ask questions on using, volunteering or donating for this project.

Who are the volunteers that have worked so hard to get this organized?  (thought you’d never ask!):  Nancie Haukos, Kerry Chase, Michelle Bauer and Linda Kolb

Their preliminary estimates indicate that this project will cost $16,000 per year.

What happens if they do not raise $16,000?  They will serve food until the funding is gone.  They did note that in their discussions with other programs  (i.e. Benson, Murdock, Montevideo +), they have never fallen short of the need when it came to donations.

Would you like to donate!? Any amount is helpful. $150 would provide food for one student for the year. $450 will provide enough food for all enrolled students for one week! And, the great thing is- your donation is tax deductible!

Here is a link for a Donation form:
Trojan Takeout Donation Request Form 

Would you like to volunteer!?
Email Michelle Bauer at [email protected] or call 952-237-1786

Volunteer Schedule will be posted soon.


Trojan Takeout Flyer