Survey – Ortonville Swimming Pool Upgrade
We need your help! There is a group of parents researching the possibility of upgrading the Ortonville Swimming Pool. They have been gathering information from other communities that have recently upgraded their community swimming pool. They have also been gathering information from additional community pools on their rates (seasonal and daily).
This group has gathered an impressive foundation of information, and they are now looking for your assistance! Are families (residents) in the area interested in upgrading the swimming pool — or, there is another option that has been considered – a natural pool. There may be an opportunity to obtain DNR funding to assist with a natural swimming pool at the pier – no chemicals, natural shade, turn the face of the city towards the lake, make the arts center more viable, provide a demonstration platform for how plants can clean polluted water, etc. For an example of a natural pool in Minneapolis, please CLICK HERE!
Please use this link to complete the survey as soon as possible – it would be much appreciated!!
To print a PDF copy of the Survey and fill it out by hand, please use this link: ortonville_pool_upgrade_survey_paper – and then drop the survey off at the EDA Office (in the Helping Hands Massage/KDIO building at 706 2nd Street SE, Ortonville) – You can also stop and pick up a copy of the survey at the EDA Office – fill it out and leave it.
Thank you!!