MNbump is a Big Stone Area Growth (BSAG) Initiative that has many layers to its creation.
We have four bloggers: Gina Gilsdorf from Graceville, Mary Hillman from Odessa, Vicki Oakes from Ortonville, and Janine Teske from Clinton …with the overall maintenance of the website, social media and video work supported through Big Stone Area Growth staff.
This initiative’s main financial support comes through the Big Stone County Commissioners through their support for the County’s Economic Development group (BSAG)
The Ortonville EDA and the City of Graceville also provide financial support to MNbump.
MNbump has been created through various types of assistance from the following:
- The University of Minnesota Regional Sustainable Development Partnership
- University of Minnesota Tourism Center
- University of Minnesota Extension
- The Blandin Foundation
- The Southwest Initiative Foundation
- Upper Minnesota Valley Regional Development Commission
- Clinton-Graceville-Beardsley – through community input set the foundation
- With a foundational focus from Ben Winchester’s “Brain Gain” Research
Big Stone County was fortunate to have received funding through the first round of the Border to Border grant funds through the State of Minnesota through the Federated Telephone project – which means we are fiber-to-premise throughout all of the rural areas within Big Stone County. We are well connected! MNbump is now able to connect our residents throughout the County.
We hope you enjoy the MNbump… finding our information informative, helpful – and ENJOYABLE!
Living Rural and Loving it!