First Annual Ag Career Day in Big Stone County
A great first year-event, thanks to Suzanne Souza and Heidi Torgerson of Big Stone County 4-H and the Minnesota Farm Bureau (wish I would have taken a photo of Kari Casper and Kobie Morrill – great job!) along with all the support of this year’s Presenters (see logos below!) and assistance by the Big Stone Lake Area Chamber of Commerce and the Ortonville Economic Development Authority!
And, a huge thank to the CGB and Ortonville Schools for bringing 170 students to the event.
It was the hope that the students would hear about an ag-related career today that would give the students the opportunity to return to this area after college graduations. The presenters provided information and answered questions at their perspective booths and then also took a few minutes at the front podium at the close of the day share with the students the particular job opportunities that were available within their company. Brian McNeill, Extension Educator at the University of Minnesota, was the main speaker and provided great information for the students to think about!
…and of course, the food was awesome! Thank you to Elmer & Sheila Thompson for going the extra to make the day complete with setup, tech assistance (!) and of course the food (and to Frandsen Bank and Trust in Clinton for financial support for the lunch!)
What a great day!