Emergency Loan Funds

LOCAL ASSISTANCE:  $5,000 Emergency Loan Funds 

24 months at 0% interest + first payment deferred 6 months
Loans are available from Big Stone Area Growth and the Ortonville EDA on a first-come for serve basis.  (Funds are available through one or the other organization – and cannot be funded through both to combine/double the $5,000)

Links to the Program Description & Applications below:

IMPORTANT… please read the Directions to fill & submit the forms:  If you don’t save to computer before completing, you’ll lose the info…  Click on the link and download the form to your computer BEFORE you fill in the application information.  Once saved on your computer, open that document & complete the application.  Again, SAVE the form and email the form to [email protected]  – please call 320-839-6155 if you have any questions or issues.

IMPORTANT… please read the Directions ABOVE before clicking on the link…

COVID-19 BSAG Business Assitance Loan Policies and App FILLABLE

Ortonville EDA COVID-19 Business Assitance Loan Policies and App FILLABLE