As noted in the Grant Program & Application that you submitted, there were eligibility and processing requirements.
We have broken the process into four steps as follows:
Step 1 Application (which you have submitted and we have reviewed)
Step 2 Submission of eligible expenses (form below) – due October 2nd.
This step will provide the identification of the eligible uses of the Program grant funds. The eligible expenses were noted on your application and are now the line items below on this form. (the need throughout the County is higher than the funds available and this step will identify the expenses to which you will be providing documentation for the next step. Please note that you may not receive the full amount to which you applied and for which you are now documenting on this form.)
Step 3 Submission of financial statements and expense documentation – due October 7th
1) Businesses need to show a COVID-19 gross revenue reduction during any 3-month block of time (this is your gross revenue reduction period) between March 1, 2020, and September 30, 2020, compared to the same time period from the previous year (2019). The following documentation will be required to establish this requirement – Comparative profit and loss statements from the time period you identified as your gross revenue reduction period, 2019 business tax return, and other documentation as needed or requested to verify your gross revenue reduction.
2) Documentation that supports the individual expenses that you are listing on this form. (i.e. copies of invoices, canceled checks, bank statements showing expenses, or any other form of documentation showing that you paid the expense or that the expense will be incurred and paid before December 31st.)
Step 4 Grant Agreement and the submission the business form W-9 (when all other information has been received and processed)
Step 2 Form: Once you complete & hit submit – you should see a notification that we have received your expenses.
- Eligible expenses are those that have been or will be incurred and paid between March 1, 2020, and December 31, 2020. All documentation verifying expenses listed on this form and that have not already been submitted during Step 3 will be due by January 15, 2021.
- If other Federal, State, or Local grant resources have already covered COVID-19 related expenses, those expenses cannot also be used for this grant program (i.e. PPP and/or EIDL Advance). The Big Stone County or Ortonville COVID-19 Business Assistance Loan would not be considered duplication and the expenses paid utilizing those funds could be used within this grant application.
- Certain Cities and Townships within Big Stone County are also providing funding to assist businesses that have been impacted by the pandemic. It may be that the community your business is located in will be able to provide you with funding beyond the amount the County will be able to award to you. The communities that are providing such additional funding have asked that BSAG assist them with administering their business assistance grant program, so the form below will serve as the expense eligibility form for the City/Township funds as well. It is important that in this form you report your total eligible business expenses from the COVID-19 pandemic.