About MNbump

How our name came to be…
We tried (very hard!) to come up with a short phrase that would sum up Big Stone County; however, we have such a variety that it was hard for us to agree on a short phrase! One thing we did agree on was … our location!!
Ask anyone around here where we live, and you’ll hear something like… “the western border of Minnesota on the bump”.
This site became to be as a result of …
The University of Minnesota Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships and the University of Minnesota Tourism Center were seeking five communities to participate in special tourism assessment project over the 18 months.
The focus of this project was to help small communities (Under 1,500 pop) across Minnesota discover opportunities to develop community assets for sustainable tourism.
Through community input during this process, marketing our tourism opportunities via web was identified as a top priority. With further discussion, it was determined that the web marketing could also provide an opportunity for residents to communicate.
For the complete history and sponsors for the MNbump initiative – CLICK HERE!
Bottom of the Bump… Top of the World! is the phrase I like to use! 🙂
Yes, I like that one – fits perfectly!