Town Hall Meeting in Clinton

Thank you to State Senator Torrey Westrom and State Representative Jeff Backer for the legislative updates and an opportunity for residents to visit about topics that are important to Big Stone County! It was certainly not an ideal travel day for them to make the trip.
I’ve attached the two handouts that were distributed to everyone as they each gave a brief update on their work in St. Paul. Once they’d given their update, the residents kept them engaged past the 9:00 a.m. scheduled closing for the meeting.
Topics that were discussed: concerns regarding the low reimbursements that threaten the viability of small-town hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies; status of the licensing bureau, daycares (Kendra Moberg made some very good points on changes that could help rural daycare programs – and maybe a trip to St. Paul is in her future!); the guidance document that was recently put out by the DNR on County ditches; rural grocery stores & the Good Food Access; diversifying crops; rain tax; LGA; Border City Tax Credits/Enterprise Funds – and others. Watch the Northern Star and Ortonville Independent for a full story on the Town Hall meeting.
Thank you to Kathy Draeger-Jorgenson for organizing this opportunity to speak with our representatives! (This is her third year organizing!) – and to the Downtown Diner for hosting the event!