Set the Date – Project: Training

Project Team:  Provide training opportunities that grow the use of technology for local businesses, veterans, and the general public.

Please select the options that would work for you below –


Reminder – List of Projects to review on this Team:

Small art/home business training: helping them sell locally and online / training them with the right tools. Include more in-depth training to those who are interested. Make better use of MN Bump – Innovation (405 points)

 Arts group tech training – Innovation (375 points)

Making training and education at various levels of sophistication for various audiences – Knowledge Workforce/Digital Equity (250 points)

Help older veterans use technology to stay connected to each other and services – Innovation (180 points)

Generational initiative: 4H students training older adults in technology – Digital Equity/Knowledge Workforce/Community Engagement (110 points)

Business mentorship program to show other businesses how it is done – Innovation (35 points)

Intergenerational 1:1 technology training – Digital Equity/Knowledge Workforce/Community Engagement (30 points)