Local Foods – Made in Big Stone County

(video below)
The Inadvertent Cafe in Clinton is known for their amazing breakfasts (unique, local – organic options to start your day!); however, the cafe’s larger purpose is to provide the area with a community commercial kitchen. The owner of the cafe, Brent Olson, is a Big Stone County Commissioner, author – long list of titles actually – but most of all he is a generational resident of the County who is always looking for ways to improve and help out. Â Charlie Stattelman is one of the local producers that uses the commercial kitchen facilities for his Norel’s Hillside Orchard Apple Cider. In the video, you’ll see Becky Stattelman (another deeply dedicated County resident) talking with me on one of their Cider processing days at the Cafe. I asked Becky if she’d share the process for making the cider – and she shared every detail — spoiler alert… I edited out some of the details so that we were not sharing Charlie’s cider secrets! Becky gives much credit to the wonderful facility, the help and information provided by the University of Minnesota Extension and also to Kathy Draeger who is the Statewide Director of the University’s Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships – and happens to live here on the MNbump…. and we are also thankful for the McKnight Foundation who provided the initial funding to Brent Olson for the Community Kitchen!